Last updated: 12/30/2023

Knights of the Nine 🛡️ 

(New member guide)



We expect players to be active daily, and contribute to the fellowship by doing all the activities available, but there is leeway if you need to take time off for whatever reason.

If you plan on missing more than one or two days, then please send an in-game mail to the fellowship, OR  "Thedarkboo" if it's personal, letting me know how long you plan on being out

Other than that, here are our current weekly minimum requirements:



Everyone should participate in the tournament every week, and have at least a minimum of 1600 points. 

But we do expect everyone to maintain at least a 2k average over 4 weeks (excluding time off)

This can be verified through



Everyone should try to hit the top of the spire weekly, but the minimum will be 2/3 (Labs). 

If you need help with resources, or help on how to fight please let us know. If you're someone

who negotiates, then you probably should be familiar with the spire wizard located here:


Neighborly Help:

We like seeing golden hands every day, but the minimum will be 5 days a week.  This typically isn't a problem, but if i start hearing complaints, we'll start

tracking and if you're missing more than a few days consistently, this will lead to issues. Also, if you feel you're not getting help from someone, then

feel free to report it to "Thedarkboo" and i'll look into it. This is a team and everyone needs to be helping each other.


Our Current Perk Status:

Knowledge Sharing10/10 (Maxed)We get 10kp free points everyday on reset
Tournament Archive10/10 (Maxed)Mages can add points if we're close to the next chest
Spire Archive10/10 (Maxed)Mages can use to help get us gold
Advanced Help1/10 Extends Golden Hands. Last perk we still need to build up.


KP Sharing Threads:

We currently have 7 different kp threads, that you can use if you're looking to exchange kp for kp.

10kp / 15kp / 30kp / 45kp / 60kp / 100kp / 150kp Threads

You are free to use these or not, there is no requirement for you to use these. These exists so that 

people can donate kp and insure that they receive the same kp back. Sometimes in the chat you will

see people say they have open chests.. these are basically free to donate to and are not kp for kp. 


The free 10kp (From our Fellowship Perk):

 We also have something we call "The swarm" list.  If you choose to join it, then you'll be put on a list, 

and everyone on that lists cycles through players daily, and you donate your free 10kp to that person.

This saves people the trouble of wondering how to use it, also it's easy to donate it when you're doing your

neighborly visits. This perk refreshes nightly when the server reboots, so it is possible to donate right before

the server reboot, and then right afterwards.. so be aware that if you're someone who logs into the game

late at night, make sure you donate your kp before the reset. This swarm list is also 100% opt-in, so if 

you would rather use the 10kp for your own use, or the normal KP sharing threads.. then feel free to opt-out 

and use the kp however you wish. 

If you want to see the current rotation, click to see the google doc HERE

Note: The game only allows you to give the 10kp away, it cannot be used on your own AW  


KP Chest Jumping:

I think in other fellowships, there might be a rule where you don't surpass a fellow member in kp donations to

avoid taking away their chest. But in this Fellowship it's allowed. So if there is only 20kp left, and 5 chests, and

you want that top chest, i'd suggest you donate the amount of kp that would make it impossible to pass you. So in this instance

you should donate 10kp, and that would leave 10kp and 4 chests left. The next person, should donate 7kp, and leave 3 chests and so on.

This avoids players donating 1kp, or 5kp and expecting the top chest, when there is way more kp needed to finish the AW.

The one rule i would say on top of this, is don't just jump by 1kp. If we see you constantly jumping people by 1kp that is really

annoying and petty, try to jump by at least 5kp or more.

This also solves a problem we were having where someone started their Wonder, and someone donates 10kp. The problem here is now

Everyone else is locked into donating 10kp or less, and since we're high level, some of these chests are giving out 100kp, that's

just not fair to lock people out from donating more kp just because you were the first to donate. So again, if you want that

top spot, make sure to donate enough to secure it.


Fellowship Adventures:

So in the past we used to use spreadsheets, or in-game mail to try to coordinate the fellowship adventures, but now 

it's totally optional if you want to do it or not. Typically i just tell everyone to do all paths, all colors, all stages.

On the first day we try to hold off on pulling the flag until late at night, so that everyone has a chance to get in on the

FA is they want to. Then after the first round, it's pretty much as fast as we can, till we hit the "Pit" which is at the end of the 

3rd stage. After that it's not much point in doing it. We don't really care about FA rank, it's really just to get the artifacts.

many people think it's a total waste of resources, but i still enjoy doing it.. so that's why it's optional and not mandatory.



Unless you're really low level, or need help with spire / tournament, try to avoid unbalanced trades. If you do need to do 1 star trades make

sure to announce it in the chat, so that we know and we can pick it up for you. Also if you place any really needed trades, it's probably best

to announce those in chat also, because most players just are not looking at the trader very often nowadays. 


Knights of the Nine II 🛡️  

So we have a 2nd fellowship, that is for players who want to take a really long break. It has zero minimums, or requirements. I (thedarkboo) am also the AM there.

If you feel burnt out, or just need time, then please ask me about moving over, and i can make room and you can stay in that fellowship as long as you need, then i can bring you back when we have an opening in the main fellowship.

You can see the fellowship in elvenstats here: Knights of the Nine II - Elvenstats